
The only real information we have comes from Plato and he describes Atlantis as a country full of beauty and abundance. A land inhabited by the golden race that lived free from care with nature as its benefactor. There were neither disease nor weakness from age. There were no government and therefore no corruption. Justice lived amongst them, it is said, in the form of Astraea (the God of Justice).
The Atlanteans themselves were tall and of both sexes. They were highly civilised and had a similar resemblance to modern man. Helena P. Blavatsky refers to them as the one of the root race (more about these to come).
Ignatius Donnelly argues in his great work Atlantis, The Antediluvian World that “the fact that the story of Atlantis was for thousands of years regarded as a fable proves nothing. There is an unbelief which grows out of ignorance, as well as a scepticism which is born of intelligence. The people nearest to the past are not always those who are best informed concerning the past. For a thousand years it was believed that the legends of the buried cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were myths: they were spoken of as the fabulous cities.”
There are many views on the exact location of Atlantis, with the most obvious one being in the Atlantic Ocean west of Portugal. Here lies the Azores Islands, which could be the mountaintops of the sunken land. And then there was the volcanic explosion that devastated Thera, a volcanic island north of Cyprus, around 1500 B.C.E. which coincides with the time that Egypt entered its prime in the form so-called new kingdom. Another theory is that is was located in the northern parts of the Black Sea.
The Atlanteans who survived the loss of their home and the priestly kings migrated to Egypt, settling in the Nile delta. They were enlightened humans and they passed their knowledge down to the Ancient Egyptians.
Perhaps the Atlanteans were perceived as Gods, or Gods personified into the likes of Osiris, Thoth and Hermes. The knowledge they possessed would become the foundation for the whole plot of world history. It flows through such ideologies as communism, anarchy and the visions of Mahatma Gandhi, in the Bavarian Illuminati and Freemasonry (packed with Egyptian symbolism). The kings and queens of Atlantis would become the gods of mythology such as the Greek and the Norse. Who can deny the likeness of Thor, the god of thunder, to Zeus who was the god of lightning and thunder? (1)
Atlantis was governed without a government. Here peace and harmony reigned. Perfect religion (or devoid of hierarchical religion) and perfect science.
The Old Testament and especially Genesis must be looked at as composed of metaphors and to see what took place as actual events is outright credulous and stupid. This doesn’t mean that there is not some sort of hidden meaning that can either contain important knowledge or an interesting account of what actual events transform into when large aeons of time swallows them up. William Blake said it best concerning the difference of the mainstream view of the holy writ and his own:
“Both read the Bible day and night; but you read black where I read white.”Atlantis could therefore be the origin of the idea of heaven and paradise in the eye of many religions. The materialised Nirvana. A utopia, a place of ideal perfection with perfect moral and social conditions. The Garden of Eden. The race of the First People. Or perhaps a deep memory of something grand that was lost?
According to Ignatius Donnelly (2) Adam, or Ad, is derivative from the ancient form of the word Atlantis. He writes in the introduction of his book Atlantis, The Antediluvian World the outline for a groundbreaking hypothesis that here shall be given in full:
1. That there once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea, a large island, which was the remnant of an Atlantic continent, and known to the ancient world as Atlantis.The only problem with Donnelly’s theory is the location of Atlantis placing it in the Atlantic instead of perceiving it, more probable, as the American continent including the Carribean Islands. As in recent time we have seen that it is possible for a deluge, or flood, to destroy cities such as what happened in New Orleans in 2005. But where is less important than the fact that it was!
2. That the description of this island given by Plato is not, as has been long supposed, fable, but veritable history.
3. That Atlantis was the region where man first rose from a state of barbarism to civilization.
4. That it became, in the course of ages, a populous and mighty nation, from whose overflowings the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River, the Amazon, the Pacific coast of South America, the Meditteranean, the west coast of Europe and Africa, the Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Caspian were populated by civilized nations.
5. That is was the true Antediluvian world, the Garden of Eden, the Gardens of the Hesperides, the Elysian Fields; the Gardens of Alcinous; the Mesomphalos; the Olympos; the Asgard of the traditions of the ancient nations; representing a universal memory of a great land, where early mankind dwelt for ages in peace and happiness.
6. That the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phœnicians, the Hindoos, and the Scandinavians were simply the kings, queens, and heroes of Atlantis; and the acts attributed to them in mythology are a confused recollection of real historical events.
7. That the mythology of Egypt and Peru represented the original religion of Atlantis, which was sun-worship.
8. That the oldest colony formed by the Atlanteans was probably in Egypt, whose civilization was a reproduction of that of the Atlantic island.
9. That the implements of the ‘Bronze Age’ of Europe were derived from Atlantis. The Atlanteans were also the first manufacturers of iron.
10. That the Phœnician alphabet, parent of all the European alphabets, was derived from an Atlantis alphabet, which was also conveyed from Atlantis to the Mayas of Central America.
11. That Atlantis was the original seat of the Aryan or Indo-European family of nations, as well as of the Semitic peoples, and possibly also of the Turanian races.
12. That Atlantis perished in a terrible convulsion of nature, in which the whole island sunk into the ocean, with nearly all its inhabitants.
13. That a few persons escaped in ships and on rafts, and, carried to the nations east and west the tidings of the appalling catastrophe, which has survived to our own time in the Flood and Deluge legends of the different nations of the old and new worlds.
Ignatius Donnelly not only puts forth proof that Atlantis existed but also that it was of a higher intelligence than latter races, even perhaps our own. He writes:
“The farther we go back in time toward the era of Atlantis, the more the evidences multiply that we are approaching the presence of a great, wise, civilized race. For instance, we find the Egyptians, Ethiopians, and Israelites, from the earliest ages, refusing to eat the flesh of swine. The Western nations departed from this rule, and in these modern days we are beginning to realize the dangers of this article of food, on account of the trichina contained in it; and when we turn to the Talmud, we are told that it was forbidden to the Jews, because of a small insect which infests it.”Concerning circumcision Donnelly proposes, interestingly, that is originated from the Atlantean days since most ancient races, such as the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Phœnicians and the Hebrews all practised it. Add to this the fact that circumcision usually takes place due to religious or personal beliefs although not devoid of medical benefits such as lessening the risk of urinary tract infection for male babies less than one year old and some protection from cancer of the penis.
“In religion the Atlanteans had reached all the great thoughts which underlie our modern creeds. They had attained to the conception of one universal, omnipotent, great First Cause. We find the worship of this One God in Peru and in early Egypt. They looked upon the sun as the mighty emblem, type, and instrumentality of this One God. Such a conception could only have come with civilization. It is not until these later days that science has realized the utter dependence of all earthly life upon the sun’s rays.”
Keep in mind that the chance of urinary tract infection is a very small percentage and so is cancer of the penis circumcised or not. If proper hygienic care of the penis is administered there is no real benefit of having a circumcision. But in those ancient times the notion of germs was perhaps not a reality and therefore circumcision increased hygiene and thereby limiting disease.
But the strongest theory, and proof, of some sort of great ancient civilization is the fact that we find its existence in the collective unconscious. Donnelly explains:
“It is not surprising that when this mighty nation sank beneath the waves, in the midst of terrible convulsions, with all its millions of people, the event left an everlasting impression upon the imagination of mankind. Let us suppose that Great Britain should to-morrow meet with a similar fate. What a wild consternation would fall upon her colonies and upon the whole human family! The world might relapse into barbarism, deep and almost universal. William the Conqueror, Richard Cœur de Lion, Alfred the Great, Cromwell, and Victoria might survive only as the gods or demons of later races; but the memory of the cataclysm in which the centre of a universal empire instantaneously went down to death would never be forgotten; it would survive in fragments, more or less complete, in every land on earth; it would outlive the memory of a thousand lesser convulsions of nature; it would survive dynasties, nations, creeds, and languages; it would never be forgotten while man continued to inhabit the face of the globe.”The problem with Atlantis is that it’s not considered of having any real historical value. There are extremely few efforts, official especially, that tries to solve the puzzle and search for its location. This is a great shame because if something ever was found it would change the idea we have of our history and ourselves.
(1) Although Thor wasn’t the leader of the Gods he was the most worshipped and popular. The Greeks most beloved god was Athena and this could be explained by the difference in culture. The Norse looked up to a simplistic and impulsive god and the Greeks towards a wise, strategic goddess, hence the emergence of Vikings in comparison to Philosophers.
(2) Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901), albeit a lawyer, land promoter, politician it’s as the author of the pioneering tome Atlantis the Antediluvian World, published in 1882, that he is best known. Donnelly brings together mythological, linguistic and ethnographic facts that when compiled seems to form a solid case. It’s one of the most compelling works on the subject and for those interested a compulsory read.
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